Friday, 18 February 2011

I assume you were misquoted!

I'm sorry, but what sort of rubbish is being spouted in the media thats attributed to the lawyer for the New Zealand Winegrowers?
According to the news report here, The Hurunui District Council and the NZ Winegrowers came to an agreement to limit the noise from frost fans last year and the rat-bag local residents kicked up a fuss.
Err... Now correct me if I'm wrong. The Hurunui District Council did the whole consulting with the residents and local industry thing and put forward a plan change. But it wasn't the local residents kicking up a fuss was it?
No, you will find that it was the NZ Winegrowers who appealed parts of the change and and the HDC was the Respondent. There were local residents as section 274 (interested) parties, but it wasn't them that took the Council to Court.
Word on the street is that the plan remains pretty much the same as before the appeal with progressive moves on  frequency of use and cumulative effects. I suppose if you've got your clients to spend all that money on legal advice, you've got to tell someone that you've won right? Especially in these hard economic times. I mean I'd hate for the people who actually paid the money to the NZ Winegrowers in the first place to think that their cash was going down the gurgler faster that 2010 Sav Blanc.
Well done. You're on a roll. Boy you really showed those locals! How dare they complain about the introduction of industrial noise to the peaceful countryside. They got what was coming to them.
And you know what? I think they actually did :-)


Anonymous said...

Winegrowers are so desparate to sell their insectisided,pesticided,herbicided,and copporised wine that they will go to great lengths to do so. I am hoping that the kiwi fruit virus will mutate to grape vines anytime soon. They are land polluters and are raping the environment.

J Frost said...

Thanks for your comment Anonymous.
I get a few that are in your vein and most often I don't publish them because they are wildly inflammatory or borderline offensive.
But I think that it's important to maintain an overall view of the topic and comments like this are important. They reflect that this topic is often an emotional one and where some winegrowers will be viewing the production of grapes as a business first and foremost, they will fail to appreciate that in the use of frost fans (and I'm going to pick spraying activity here as well by the tone of the comment), they genuinely affect people lives. Not their economic wellbeing but their quality of life. For some it's mild annoyance and they will buckle down and do nothing in the typical Kiwi way. For others, the injustice of it all will prompt them to complain to the Council or Environment Court. For others, their health is seriously affected. No part of this features in a monetary sense.
Winegrowers are not evil. They just have a completely different view of the topic. In their view, your right to a good night's sleep is not just secondary, but doesn't even feature in the equation that sees them making money.
So while I would have to say that your comments are somewhat 'expressive', they are truly representative of the effect the Wine industry practices are having on people. I thank you for them.