Friday, 29 October 2010

This is how it ends

It starts with an industry offering to help a community.
To provide jobs, money, lifestyle.

It ends with rank industrialization  blighting the landscape, poisoning the environment and sending what meager profits are left, off-shore.

Look to the Manawatu where Fontera are applying to continue to poison the river for a further 20 odd years. This at the end of a process that has already left the river trashed.

Sound familiar?


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the poisoning and disabilities of people caused by chemicals such as the family at Seddon Motor camp. But of course under the SWGNZ they are responsible to the environment.
Yeah right.

J Frost said...

You are exactly right.
That case ranks right up there with ignoring the bleeding obvious and paying lip service to safeguards while simultaneously proclaiming 'enviro friendly'.